I Love the Library

February 2, 2011 § Leave a comment

You know how much I love to visit the library, right?

Dear Little Bird, Dear Little Tiger,

We visit libraries in new towns instead of museums or shops.  We stop by our library at least twice a week and pretty much know everyone by name.  You know how when dad gives me a break the only place I really want to get away to is the library? Well, I just want to say thanks.

Thanks for loving the library as much as I do.  Thanks for racing to the door every time we arrive.  And cutting in line to give Ms. Paula secret notes while she is checking books out for other people.  Thanks for having your secret spots that you always run to, like the tall plant by the fireplace.  And for asking Mr. Jon to help you on the computer.  And using those slips of paper and tiny pencils to write down your notes.

I love that you love the library.

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